Friday, August 20, 2010

famous ghost pictures and their story

stairway to the after life:

In 1966, Rev. Ralph Hardy visited the National Museum in Greenwich, England. While in the Queen’s House section of the Museum, Hardy snapped a photo of the beautiful staircase. Upon developing his photography Hardy made a shocking discovery. One of his photos showed a ghostly figure climbing the staircase. The figure was not in the photography when Hardy took the picture. The photograph and the negatives were examined by experts, some of which were from Kodak, and all have concluded that the negative was not tampered with nor is it a double exposure.

Are these ten photos proof that ghosts exist? Is this proof of an afterlife? The problem is that there is always room for a hoax or accidental fake when one does not have multiple witnesses and insurmountable evidence. These ten photos are absolutely amazing, regardless. Some of these pictures have undoubtedly given even the most hardened skeptic goose bumps and I don’t believe they should be simply written off as fakes and ignored. These photographs should continue to be examined and researched.

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