Sunday, July 25, 2010

Old Indian Photos Worth Collection:Shaheed Bhagat Singh photographed secretly at Lahore during his first arrest - 1927

After a couple of years in India, the bizarre aspects of street life become commonplae to the average soldier, as evidenced by the scant notice given the passing snake-walla by the GI at right bargaining for a shine from one of he city's hundreds of bootblacks. The New American Kitchen is a popular Chinese restaurant, owned by a Portuguese, and serves up a steak of chop suey before you can say "Teek hai".

Shaheed Bhagat Singh photographed secretly at Lahore Railway Police Station, during his first arrest 29 May to 4 July 1927 - in connection with Lahore Dussehra Bomb Case (25 Oct 1926) with Gopal Singh Pannu DSP, CID Lahore.

Indian Lady in white Saree - Date Unknown

The GI tourist here ponders the purchase of a 'rare gem'---a typical camera study of life on Chowringhee during the war. Firpo's famous restaurant is in the background, and dhoti-clad Indians and a British officer in shorts lend a bit of atmosphere.

Brassware and Gurkha knives are two of the most popular souvenir purchases made by soldiers. Bargaining is the rule and only the sucker pays the fist price asked. The New Market is alive with stalls like this.

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